Lihat kutipan di bawah ini :
There is a vacancy in today
daily. What job is offered?
Hayati Hutabarat says that she
has downright satisfaction in her position in the company. But
what about some other thing in
life. There are still important to many women like married and
children. Does Hayati regret not
having time for this thing?
Inggris/Tahun 2004 1
5 . What is the
text about ?
A . Unmarried women
B . Career women
C . Married women
D . Women's position in a company
E . Women's lives
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Hayati Hutabarat mengatakan bahwa
dia benar-benar puas akan posisinya di perusahaan.
Tetapi bagaimana dengan kehidupan
yang lainnya. Ada beberapa hal yang tetap penting
bagi sebagian besar wanita
seperti menikah dan memiliki anak-anak. Apakah Hayati tidak
menyesal karena dia tidak punya
waktu untuk hal ini?
Teks tersebut menceriterakan
tentang seorang wanita karir (Career Woman) yang
bernama Hayati Hutabarat yang
menduduki posisi penting di perusahaan.
6 . What things
are still important to many women?
A . Position in the company
B . Satisfaction in career
C . Having time for children
D . Career in the company
E . Marriage and children
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Apakah yang masih tetap penting
bagi sebagian besar wanita jawabannya perkawinan dan
anak-anak (Marriage and
Farmer in Lampung and West Java
are likely to face difficulties with rice harvest in the next two
month. As hundred of thousands of
hectare rice field have been under threat a long drought. But
it has tried worrying two
What is the text about?
A . The next rice harvest
B . Farmers in Lampung
C . Rice fields
D . Possible failure in the next
E . Farmers in West Java
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Petani di Lampung dan Jawa Barat
menghadapi masalah/kesulitan dengan hasil panennya
dua bulan yang akan datang.
Karena ratusan ribu hektar sawah mengalami kemarau
panjang. Tetapi masalah itu telah
dicoba untuk diatasi oleh kedua provinsi tersebut.
Bacaan di atas membicarakan
kemungkinan gagal panen berikutnya. (Possible failure in
the next harvest)
What threatened the rice fields?
A . A long drought
B . The rainy season
C . Wet fields
D . Next harvest
E . Difficult farmers
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Yang menjadi ancaman tanah
pertanian adalah musim kering yang panjang (a long drought
Inggris/Tahun 2004 2
A supporter of the national
education bill displays a sign reading "Endorse the national education
bill right now" to every motorist
passing the back gate of the House of Representatives
compound in Senayan, Central
Jakarta. Thousands of members from Islamic groups gathered
outside the compound on Tuesday
demanding that the bill be endorsed.
9 . The topic of
the passage is about ........
A . national education
B . education bill
C . supporters of the bill
D . a supporter's idea
E . a public demand
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
Topik dari bacaan di atas
membicarakan mengenai pendukung reklame pendidikan
nasional. (supporters of the
bill). Lihat kalimat pertama :
A supporter of
the national education bill displays a sign reading "Endorse the
education bill right now"
"......... that the bill be endorsed"
The word endorsed is closest in
meaning to ........
A . talked
B . discussed
C . approved
D . decided
E . resumed
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
"....... that the bill be
endorsed" (mengesahkan)
Kata endorsed artinya sama dengan
- talked : pembicaraan
- discussed : perundingan
- approved : persetujuan
- decided : pemutusan
- resumed : dilanjutkan
Satellite Space-eye does not look
like the satellites of the 1980's. It has large wings that
gather solar power. The power is
for the motor. It keeps the satellite in the same place above
the earth. All the big farmers in
the area have paid for the cost of Satellite Space-eye.
Constanza is one of those
farmers, his home computer makes, the connection with
Satellite Space-eye. He asks to
see a picture of the field in the south-west corner of his farm.
The picture appears on a TV
screen. It is a picture of a green wheat field. Everything looks fine.
He then asks the computer to show
the same area, but in colours. The colours show the
different temperatures in the
field. He knows healthy wheat plants will all be green. The TV
screen blinks and a beautiful
picture appears. It has many shades of blue, red, and green.
Constanza looks closely at the
large red spot near the middle of the wheat field. He
knows that something is wrong in
the wheat field. The red colour means the spot is warmer than
its surroundings. It may be due
to-lack of moisture or not enough nutrients in the soil. Insects
eating the wheat can also show a
red spot.
Constanza tells the computer to
tell him more about the warm spot. The computer points
out that the problem is a
shortage of nitrogen in the soil. He asks the computer to predict the
harvest if he adds the
fertilizer. He then tells the computer the current market price for wheat.
He also tells the price of the
fertilizer. He asks for a costing. He wants to know if it will give him
a profit to add the fertilizer. The computer gives
him the answer, is it a science fiction? No, it is happening now.
11 . The text
tells about ........
Inggris/Tahun 2004 3
A . constanza and his wheat field
B . the use of satellite Space
eye in farming
C . the blue, red, and green
colours on the TV screen
D . the meaning of the colours
appeared on the TV screen
E . the ability of the computer
to predict.
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Wacana di atas menceritakan
tentang penggunaan satelit ruang angkasa dalam pertanian. (
the use of
satellite space eye in farming).
12 . The main idea
of paragraph two is ........
A . Constanza is one of the
farmers who makes use of the Satellite Space-eye.
B . Constanza's home computer is
connected to Satellite Space-eye.
C . The picture appears on the TV
screen comes from Satellite Space-eye.
D . Various information can be
served by Satellite Space-eye.
E . The Satellite Space-eye sent
Constanza what he wanted.
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Pikiran utama paragraf 2 adalah
Satelit Space-eye mengirimkan informasi yang diinginkan
oleh constanza. (The Satellite
Space-eye sent Constanza what he wanted.)
The red colour showed on the TV screen means that ........
A . the plants are healthy
B . the soil does not have enough
C . the temperature is low
D . the plants are not distrubed
by any insects
E . the wheat field is in good
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Lihat cuplikan wacana di bawah
ini :
The red colour
means the spot is warmer than its surroundings. It may be due to-lack
of moisture or
not enough nutrients in the soil.
Jadi pilihan yang tepat adalah
tanah tidak memiliki nutrien yang cukup (the soil does not
have enough
14 . ''it may be
due to lack of moisture." (Paragraph 3)
We can replace the underlined
word with ........
A . make
B . have
C . get
D . owing to
E . let
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Hal itu mungkin disebabkan oleh (due
to) kekurangan kelembaban. (Paragraph 3) Kata
due to memiliki arti
lain yaitu owing to.
- make : menjadi
- have : memiliki
- get : memperoleh
- owing to : disebabkan oleh
(because of)
- let : membiarkan
Dear Rossa,
I am a guy, twenty-eight years
old. I have a problem with a girl friend. She is twenty five
Inggris/Tahun 2004 4
years old. We have been dating
each other for years, since we were high school students. Now
we have jobs. I feel very sure
that we love each other. Now it is time for me to get married.
Unfortunately, her parents never
approve of our relationship ever since the very first time. My
family, anyhow, does not really
mind. At first I thought my girl friend had the power to defend
our love. But then he
surrendered. She loves me and she loves her family too. On the one hand
she said, "I'll be happy if
my family is happy." It means she had to get approval from her parents.
For this, I was shocked. My heart
was broken. She ended our relationship just at the
time when I was ready to marry
her. When I was with her, we were very happy. We had a lot
in common and there were no
conflict. The truth was, we separated only because of her
parents. They want her to marry
her cousin, her aunt's son (this is one of the traditions in the
For the time being I am very
upset. When I miss her I call her. Then we can eat together,
talk together for hours. We act
like dating because she loves me, too. The real problem is, she
cannot refuse what her parents
So, should I forget my girl
friend, the only one that I truly love? Or else, should I just
wait, and dream that one day she
will be back to me?
Rio N., Padang
Dear Rio,
You call her
your gil friend, but she has chosen her own way. For this reason I'd say that
there is nothing
your can do except forget her and go on with your normal life. Hopefully
you can find
another and live happily forever.
15 . The main idea
of the first paragraph is that ........
A . the writer wants to get
B . the writer has been dating
for years
C . the writer has a problem with
his girl friend
D . the writer feels sure that
they love each other
E . the writer's parents
disapprove of his relationship
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
Ide utama dari paragraf satu
adalah penulis mempunyai masalah dengan teman wanitanya (
the writer has a
problem with his girl friend).
Lihat kalimat pertama paragraf
pertama : I am a guy, twenty-eight years old. I have a
with a girl friend.
16 . Which of the
following sentences is TRUE according to the text ?
A . Rio is not ready to get
B . Rio's parents disagree to his
C . Rio and his girl friend often
got conflicts.
D . Rio's girl friend didn't
really love Rio.
E . Rio's girl friend couldn't
defend her love for Rio.
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Pilihan kalimat yang benar
menurut cerita adalah Kekasih Rio tidak dapat mempertahankan
cintanya untuk Rio (Rio's girl
friend couldn't defend her love for Rio.).
Lihat kutipan dari paragraf
pertama yang berbunyi: "At first I thought my girl friend had
the power to
defend our love. But then she surrendered".
Kita dapat simpulkan bahwa
kekasih Rio tidak dapat mempertahankan cintanya.
17 . Why do the girl's parents
disapprove of their marriage? Because ........
Inggris/Tahun 2004 5
A . they don't like Rio.
B . the girl is still studying.
C . Rio and his girl friend often
got conflicts
D . they keep the Karonese
E . the girl has chosen another
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Mengapa orang tua kekasih Rio
tidak menyetujui perkawinannya?
Karena mereka masih
mempertahankan.tradisi suku Karo.
(they keep the Karonese
Penjelasannya dapat di lihat di
paragraf 2 kalimat ketujuh . (this is one of the traditions in
the Karonese).
18 . Rio cannot forget her girl
friend because ........
A . she is very pretty
B . she is very faithful
C . she is his true love
D . she is his first love
E . she is his last love
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
Rio tidak dapat melupakan
kekasihnya karena ia adalah cinta sejatinya
(she is his true love).
Pada paragraf keempat kalimat
pertama yang dinyatakan bahwa Rio tidak dapat
melupakan kekasihnya karena dia
merupakan cinta sejatinya ( ... the only one that I truly
Uday and Qusay are killed and the
delighted British and American governments suggest
that Iraq will be a safer place.
Yes, the Iraqis may well feel safer. And - with the dictator's
brutal sons out of the way
forever more confident about continuing the resistance against the
American occupiers.
Shortly before their deaths were
announced, Richard Gephardt, Democrat presidential
hopeful, delivered a blistering
attack on Bush's foreign policy which was driven, he said, by
"machismo" and
"arrogant unilateralism". Bush, he continued, had treated U.S. allies
"like so
many flies on America's
windshield". He added: "Foreign policy isn't a John Wayne
The attack on the villa where
Saddam's sons were hiding might be seen as driving home
the point. Instead, the
announcement that they had been killed by the U.S. troops in a shoot-out
is welcomed by Tony Blair as
"great news".
19 . The text mainly discusses
about ........
A . Uday and Qusay who killed
U.S. troops
B . Uday and Qusay who are killed
by U.S. troops
C . Richard Gephardt who attacked
Bush's domestic policy
D . The attack on the villa where
Saddam Husein was hiding
E . Tony Blair who is welcomed by
Saddam's sons, Uday and Qusay
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Wacana di atas menceritakan
tentang Uday dan Qusay yang dibunuh oleh tentara Amerika
(paragraf pertama dan paragraf ke
Uday and Qusay
who are killed by U.S. troops
20 . The main idea of paragraph 3
is that ........
A . U.S. troops killed Saddam in
the attack on the villa.
Inggris/Tahun 2004 6
B . Uday and Qusay had killed
U.S. troops and Tony Blair.
C . Tony Blair attacked the villa
where Saddam's sons were hiding.
D . Saddam was killed by Tony
Blair and U.S. in Saddam's sons' villa.
E . The announcement of Saddam's
son's death is welcomed by Tony Blair.
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Lihat paragraf ke 3 :
The attack on
the villa where Saddam's sons were hiding might be seen as driving
home the point.
Instead, the announcement that they had been killed by the U.S.
troops in a
shoot-out is welcomed by Tony Blair as "great news".
Yang menjadi pikiran utama adalah
: Pengumuman kematian anak Saddam disambut baik
oleh Tony Blair. The announcement of Saddam's
son's death is welcomed by Tony blair .
21 . Which statement is correct
according to the text?
A . John Wayne movie was
presented to Bush arrogantly.
B . Tony Blair received the
"great news" of Bush and Gephardt's death.
C . John Wayne was a movie star who
attacked the villa of Saddam's sons.
D . Richard Gephardt attacked
Bush's foreign policy after uday and Qusay's death.
E . The news of uday and Qusay's
death made the British and American government
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Lihat paragraf kedua :
Shortly before
their deaths were announced, Richard Gephardt, Democrat
hopeful, delivered a blistering attack on Bush's foreign policy which was
driven, he said,
by "machismo" and "arrogant unilateralism".
Disini terlihat pernyataan yang benar
adalah :
Richard Gephardt
attacked Bush's foreign policy after uday and Qusay's
22 . "The attack on the
villa where Saddam's sons were hiding might be seen as driving home
the point." (Paragraph 3)
The word attack has similar
meaning to ........
A . raid
B . resist
C . shield
D . defend
E . withdraw
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Kata attack memiliki
persamaan arti dengan raid
- raid : menyerang - defend :
- resist : melawan - withdraw :
pengambilan kembali
- shield : melindungi
23 . " ... had killed Uday
and Qusay."
A . The Iraqis
B . Tony Blair
C . U.S. troops
D . John Wayne
E . Richard Gephardt
Kunci : C
Inggris/Tahun 2004 7
Penyelesaian :
"Instead, the announcement
that they had been killed by the U.S troops in a shoot out is
welcomed by Tony Blair as
"great news".
Dari pernyataan ini kita dapat
menyimpulkan bahwa yang membunuh Uday dan Qusay
adalah tentara Amerika (U.S.
At present, aeroplanes are
playing a very important role to .....(24)..... one place to another.
People can go round the world
just in a two day flight by the world's first supersonic airliner,
Concorde, which .....(25)..... at
a height of over 18.000 metres and .....(26)..... a speed of over
2.000 km per hour.
24 . A . disjoin
B . part
C . connect
D . separate
E . divide
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
Akhir-akhir ini pesawat terbang
berperan penting untuk menghubungkan (connect) satu
tempat ke tempat lain.
25 . A . goes
B . flies
C . jumps
D . drives
E . comes
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Kita dapat keliling dunia hanya
dalam dua hari sterbang dengan menggunakan pesawat
supersonik, Concorde, yang
terbang (flies) pada ketinggian lebih dari 18.000 meter.
26 . A . cuts
B . continues
C . moves
D . reaches
E . limits
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Dan dapat mencapai (reaches)
kecepatan lebih dari 2000 km perjam.
27 . X : I want you to meet
William a new student. He is from Australia.
Y : How do you do?
Z : ........
A . How do you do
B . Hi, how are you
C . Are you all right
D . Nice to meet you too
E . See you,later
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Karena pertanyaannya dari
seseorang yang belum dikenal, maka pertanyaan "How do you
do?" harus dijawab dengan How
do you do juga.
28 . X : I have to go to school,
but look at the sky. It is very cloudy.
I think it is going to rain.
Y : ........
A . You don't take an umbrella
B . I should take an umbrella
C . You are going to take an
D . I may, take an umbrella
E . You should take an umbrella
Inggris/Tahun 2004 8
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
X : Saya harus pergi ke sekolah,
tetapi langit sangat mendung,
saya rasa hujan akan turun.
Karena langit sangat mendung,
maka Y menyarankan untuk membawa payung (you
should take an
29 . Toni left from Bandung this
What did you say?
A . I said that Toni leaves for
B . I said that Toni will leave
for Bandung.
C . I said that Toni would leave
for Bandung.
D . I said that Toni had left for
E . I said that Toni was leaving
for Bandung.
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Kalimat di atas menggunakan
bentuk simple past tense, kemudian diikuti oleh pertanyaan
what did you say? Dari pertanyaan
tersebut kita mengetahui bahwa jawabannya harus
menggunakan kalimat tak langsung
(indirect speech dalam bentuk kalimat
pernyataan/statement). Jika
kalimat itu menggunakan simple past tense diubah ke dalam
bentuk past perfect Tense (had +
verb III) untuk indirect speech.
I said that Toni
had left for Bandung.
30 . X : I need to talk to you.
Could we meet at ninety nine cafe?
Y : What time?
X : After work at six p.m,
Y : ........
A . Surely no, wait for me there.
B . Okay I'll be there
C . I'm sorry, I meet you there
D . Sure, but I work over time
E . Next time, I will be there.
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
X ingin berbicara Y dan akan
bertemu di cafe ninety nine setelah selesai bekerja dan Y
menyetujuinya. Jadi, ungkapan
yang dipergunakan adalah ungkapan yang menyatakan
persetujuan (agreement) yaitu
"Okay I'll be there".
31 . X : Here we are. Let's see
the menu.
There is a tomato juice or an
orange juice.
Y : What do you prefer?
X : ........
A . I prefer orange juice better.
B . I prefer orange juice than
tomato juice.
C . I like orange juice better to
tomato juice.
D . I like orange juice to tomato
juice better:
E . I'd rather have orange juice
than tomato juice.
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Kalimat ini menggunakan pola
kalimat preference :
Pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah
"I'd rather have orange juice than tomato juice."
Inggris/Tahun 2004 9
Yang memiliki pola : S + would
rather + have + noun + than + noun
32 . X : Would you like milk or
sugar in your coffee?
Y : Neither thank you.
X : Sorry what do you want?
Y : ........
A . coffee not tea
B . tea not coffee
C . nothing to drink
D . black coffee without sugar
E . either not milk or sugar in
the coffee
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Soal ini membutuhkan jawaban yang
artinya sama dengan ungkapan yang diberikan.
Tawaran dari X apakah kopinya
dicampur dengan susu atau gula.
"Either not milk or sugar
in the coffee"
33 . X : Could you tell me when I
can see the director please?
Y : ........
A . I will give you some money
B . You can give me your schedule
C . Yes, you could tell me now.
D . I will swim in the sea
E . Let me check the schedule
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Bisakah anda memberitahu kapan
saya bisa bertemu dengan direktur. Ungkapan ini adalah
ungkapan yang menyatakan meminta
pertolongan, untuk menjawab ungkapan tersebut, Y
minta izin untuk melihat
jadwalnya terlebih dahulu.
"Let me check the
schedule fires."
34 . The manager always comes
early to the office. I wonder where he lives. I often see him
driving his car to jalan
Pakubuwono Kebayoran Baru. So he leaves not far from the office
What is the dialogue about?
A . The manager's car
B . The manager's office
C . The manager's house
D . The manager's address
E . The manager's driver
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Direktur selalu datang lebih awal
ke kantor. Saya ingin tahu di mana dia tinggal. Saya
sering melihatnya mengendarai
mobilnya ke jalan Pakubuwono Kebayoran Baru. Sehingga
dia tinggal tidak jauh dan
Percakapan di atas membicarakan
tentang dimana alamat Rumah Manager
35 . Although the telephone was
patented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. The first
transatlantic telephone cable
went into operation eighty years later.
When the transatlantic telephone
cable go into operation?
A . When he was still alive
B . Soon after he invented the
C . Before he patented his
D . In 1796
Inggris/Tahun 2004 10
E . In 1956
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Alexander Graham Bell mempatenkan
telepon tahun 1876, kemudian dioperasikan 80
tahun kemudian, jadi kabel
telepon transatlantik baru beroperasi tahun 1956. (1876 + 80
= 1956)
36 . 1. The aim of a political
party is to elect officials who will try to carry their interests.
2. A large political party
usually has millions of members and supporters.
3. A political party is a group
organized to support certain policies on questions of
public interests.
4. When people in a democracy
disagree about what the government should do,
each voter expresses his opinion
by voting for the candidate that supports his
side of the argument.
5. The questions may range from
issues of peace, war and taxes, to how people
should earn a living.
The best order of the sentences
above is ........
A . 3-2-1-4-5
B . 2-1-3-4-5
C . 2-1-4-3-5
D . 2-1-3-5-4
E . 3-2-4-5-1
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Susunan kalimat yang terbaik
adalah : 3-2-1-4-5,
3. A political party is a group
organized to support certain policies on questions of
public interests.
2. A large political party
usually has millions of members and supporters.
1. The aim of a political party
is to elect officials who will try to carry their interests.
4. When people in a democracy
disagree about what the government should do,
each voter expresses his opinion
by voting for the candidate that supports his
side of the argument.
5. The questions may range from
issues of peace, war and taxes, to how people
should earn a living.
37 . 1. I decided to apply for
the job.
2. I saw an interesting job
advertised in the paper last week.
3. Then I went to the address in
the advertisement.
4. I telephoned the company to
see if the job was still vacant.
5. The next morning I put on my
best set of clothes.
6. They told me to come to the
office the next day for an interview.
7. After asking me a lot of
questions the manager offered me the job.
8. I was asked to go into the
managers's office.
The best arrangement of the
sentences to make a good paragraph is ........
A . 1-2-4-6-5-3-7-8
B . 2-1-4-6-5-3-8-7
C . 2-3-1-4-5-6-8-7
D . 1-2-3-4-8-5-6-7
E . 1-2-4-5-8-6-7-8
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Berikut ini susunan kalimat yang
terbaik untuk menjadi paragraf yang benar:
2-1-4-6-5-3-8-7 :
2. I saw an interesting job
advertised in the paper last week.
1. I decided to apply for the
Inggris/Tahun 2004 11
4. I telephoned the company to
see if the job was still vacant.
6. They told me to come to the
office the next day for an interview.
5. The next morning I put on my
best set of clothes.
3. Then I went to the address in
the advertisement.
8. I was asked to go into the
manager's office.
7. After asking me a lot of
questions the manager offered me the job.
38 . Jack : Rita, ............
Rita : Pleased to meet you. Don.
Don : Pleased to meet you too.
A . Don is my friend
B . Don wants to meet you
C . don't you know Don is my
D . I'd like you to meet my
friend Don
E . please introduce yourself to
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Jack : Rita, perkenalkan teman
saya Don.
Rita : Senang bertemu Anda
Don : senang bertemu Anda juga.
Ungkapan tersebut sering
dipergunakan untuk memperkenalkan orang lain (introduction).
Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah
Jack : Rita, I'd
like you to meet my friend Don
39 . Mother : Clean your room,
Siska !
Siska : Yes, mom.
Vinda : What did your mother tell
you, Siska?
Siska : She told me ........
A . clean my room
B . to clean my room
C . to clean your room
D . cleaned my room
E . clean your room
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Ibu : "Bersihkan ruanganmu,
Siska : "ya, Bu."
Venda : "Apa yang ibu
katakan kepadamu, Siska?"
Siska : "Ibu berkata
kepadaku untuk membersihkan kamar"
Ibu menyuruh Siska untuk
membersihkan ruangannya. Maka Siska melaporkan. She told
me to clean my
Kalimat ini menggunakan pola
kalimat langsung tak langsung (indirect speech) untuk
imperative (command/request)
dengan menggunakan pola to infinitive untuk kalimat
perintah positif dan not to
infinitive untuk kalimat negatif.
40 . Nuki : What was your sister
doing when you arrived home last night?
Rendra : She ........ in the
A . cooks
B . is cooking
C . has cooked
D . has been cooking
E . was cooking
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Nuki : Apa yang sedang saudara
perempuanmu lakukan ketika sampai di rumah tadi
Inggris/Tahun 2004 12
Rendra : Dia sedang memasak di
Kalimat ini menggunakan pola past
continuous tense. Pola ini digunakan untuk menyatakan
suatu kegiatan yang sedang
berlangsung di waktu lampau saat kejadian lain terjadi.
Jawaban yang tepat "She was cooking in the
kitchen When I arrived last night."
41 . Ina : Why are you sleepy in
Ines : Do I look sleepy, Na? I am
not sleepy, but I have a painful stomach ache.
Ina : You should go to the
doctor. Come on I'll accompany you.
The underlined words express
A . disagreement
B . satisfaction
C . obligation
D . offering
E . advice
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Ina : You should go to the
Ungkapan di atas merupakan
nasihat (advice) agar Ines pergi ke dokter.
42 . "Watch the TV tonight.
My daughter is on TV channel 5 at eight. She always makes me
"Sure, I will."
From the underlined words we know
that the first speaker feels ........ her daughter.
A . proud of
B . angry with
C . worried about
D . disappointed at
E . doubtful about
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Dari ungkapan "She always
makes me happy", kita mengetahui bahwa pembicara
pertama merasa bangga (proud
of) terhadap anak perempuannya.
43 . A : Have you heard that
uncle Joe will come next week?
B : Oh. really? When did he tell
A : Last week.
The underlined sentence is used
to express ........
A . happiness
B . pleasure
C . surprise
D . enjoyment
E . curiousity
Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
B : Oh, really? When did he tell
Ungkapan tersebut adalah ungkapan
yang menyatakan benar-benar mengagetkan (surprise
44 . "What a beautiful
voice. She is a talented singer."
"She ........ since she was
a child."
A . sang
B . sings
C . is singing
D . had been singing
E . has been singing
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Kata keterangan yang digunakan "Since
she was a child", yang menunjukkan suatu
peristiwa yang berlangsung di
masa lampau hingga sekarang, maka tenses yang digunakan
Inggris/Tahun 2004 13
adalah present perfect
continuous tense yang berpola :
S + have/ has + been + v-ing.
Jawaban yang tepat adalah has
been singing.
45 . Mary introduced me to her
former lecturer ........ she married after she had graduated.
A . of whom
B . whose
C . of which
D . whom
E . who
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Mary introduced
me to her former whom she married after she had graduated.
Kalimat tersebut menggunakan adjective
clause yang menerangkan object orang
menggunakan whom untuk
menerangkan her former lecturer.
46 . Atik : When will your sister
finish her study?
Mirna : I hope she .......... by
July next year.
A . will have graduated
B . has graduated
C . will graduate
D . is going to graduate
E . intends to graduate
Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Kata penunjuk waktu "by July
next year (Juli tahun depan)", menunjukkan bahwa kalimat
tersebut berpola future perfect.
Pola ini adalah :
S + shall/will + have + verb 3
atau past participle.
Kalimat berpola the Future
Perfect menyatakan perbuatan yang dimulai di waktu lampau
dan segera selesai di waktu yang
akan datang. Mirna berharap adiknya akan telah lulus
sekolahnya, bukan Juli tahun
Mirna : I hope
she will have graduated by July next year
47 . Niluh : I saw Sofyan come by
bus this morning.Where is his car?
Andi : His car is out of order so
he asked the mechanic to repair it.
From the dialogue we conclude that
A . Sofyan had repaired his car
B . Sofyan had his car repaired
C . the mechanic asked to repair
the car
D . the mechanic asked Sofyan to
repair the car
E . the mechanic and Sofyan
repaired the car
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
Kalimat "He asked the
mechanic to repair it", menggunakan pola kalimat causative
active, yang
mengandung makna "Sofyan menyuruh mekanik untuk memperbaiki
mobilnya". Ungkapan menyuruh
dapat dinyatakan dengan pola causative passive. Maka
jawaban yang tepat adalah Sofyan
had his car repaired.
(S + have/has/had + object
(complement) + V3.
48 . Mr. Anwar : Are you pleased
that your son wants to be a dentist?
Mr. Rahman : No, not really. I
wish my son became a manager of my shoe-store.
The underlined expression means
that .........
A . Mr. Rahman's son is a
B . Mr. Rahman wants his son to
be a manager.
C . Mr. Rahman's son is running,a
shoe-store business.
D . Mr. Rahman's son was not a
Inggris/Tahun 2004 14
E . Mr. Rahman's son was the
manager of the shoe-store.
Kunci : B
Penyelesaian :
"Mr. Rahman wish his son
became a manager of his shoe-store". Subjunctive "wish"
menyatakan sesuatu yang
berlawanan dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya terjadi.
Sedangkan anaknya Mr. Rahman
ingin menjadi dokter gigi. Sama artinya dengan "Mr.
Rahman wants his son to be a
49 . Jaya : Why are you still
Didn't you tell me that you would
go to Jakarta today?
Setiadi : I would have been in
Jakarta if the bus had not got an accident.
The underlined utterance means..........
A . Setiadi is in Jakarta
B . Setiadi went to Jakarta
C . The bus was safe
D . Jaya went to Jakarta
E . The bus got an accident
Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Setiadi mengatakan bahwa ia sudah
berada di jakarta jika bisnya tidak kecelakaan. Ini
berarti Setiadi tidak ada di
jakarta karena bisnya kecelakaan. Pilihan jawaban yang tepat
adalah "The bus got an
50 . Student 1 : Andi is late
Student 2 : He is never on time.
I think he .......... earlier.
A . could have woken
B . ought to wake
C . should have woken
D . might have woken
E . would have woken
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